This program is for court-ordered females and male. This class is a collaborative effort sponsored by the La Porte County Judicial System and La Porte County Sheriff’s Department. It is a 28-day, 56-session in-house closed treatment program facilitated by an addiction counselor of Swanson Center Community Mental Health Center. This class is the first of the three-phase intensive substance abuse classes offered by Swanson Center. Successful completion of this on-site class constitutes a court order to complete the outpatient phases two and three of the class. The class requires a $100.00 evaluation fee using the Indiana Assessment and Needs Survey. Once evaluated and if they meet the criteria for the class, they are ordered to pay a $450.00 fee for the class and material. The court determines if any referrals are indigent and fees may need to be waived.
This is an open-ended group offered to both men and women who have not been court-ordered to the Substance Abuse class that are struggling with addition. This is a voluntary class facilitated by volunteers from the YANA Club.
This is a service that is offered upon request to detainees needing brief solution-focused interventions to manage their moods and thoughts. This service is conducted by the on-site Treatment Services Director and any Master-level interns.
This is an open-ended 12-week class for both males and females facilitated by one of our volunteer Pastors. Several different topics are studied, processed, and outlined as it relates to positive communication, healthier relationships, life goals, and breaking negative generational cycles.
This is a collaborative effort for special educational students that are still registered as full-time students with the local community school systems. The school’s special educational department provides staff or educational material to complete on-site supportive educational services.
This service provides numerous spiritual, inspirational, self-help books, and material on a bi-monthly basis to all detainees. This service is provided on a volunteer basis by the La Porte Ministerial Association.
This is an open 10-week systematic class that focuses on changing beliefs, behaviors, and habits related to substance abuse and reentering back into society. The class and material are facilitated by a certified instructor volunteer through a self-help treatment grant funded by La Porte County Drug Free Partnership.
This service provides non-denominational and denominational individual sessions focusing on supporting the inner spirituality. This service is offered upon request of the detainee.
This is an open-ended mentoring group facilitated by the certified MRT facilitator to assist women with defining their character, morals, values, how to improve them, and practice them.