Sheriff Sales are mortgage foreclosures where a judgment has been entered through the courts. Tax sales are when property owners do not pay their property taxes and are completely different than Sheriff Sales. The tax sales are held by the Auditor and Treasurer Offices. All Sheriff Sales are conducted according to, but not limited to, IC 39-29-7(through 14).
Bidding is open and progressive starting at the 1st judgment amount, unless otherwise determined by the Plaintiff or his Attorney. Bids may start lower than the judgment amount, but the Sheriff has no knowledge of what bidding instructions the Plaintiff has given his representative. Financial institutions will NOT give you that information. The Sheriff requires bidders to have $3,000.00 with them in the form of cash, cashier’s checks, or money orders. Cashier’s checks and money orders should be made payable to the Sheriff of La Porte County. The winning bidder will have 1 (one) hour to return with the remainder of the funds.
Payments must be made in the form of cash, Cashier’s checks, or money orders. We do not accept letters of credit from a financial institution. There are no exceptions. All checks are to be made payable to the Sheriff of La Porte County.
Notice of Sheriff’s Sales are published at least 30 days prior to the sale in the La Porte Herald Dispatch. They are also posted in both the La Porte Courthouse and the Michigan City Courthouse. A list of upcoming properties is always available for purchase at both offices for $5.00. All sales may be cancelled at any time. Please call before coming to the sale.
Inspection of Properties
Property being foreclosed upon is still in the hands for the property owner until sold at the Sheriff Sale. The Sheriff does not have access into the properties.
Other Liens Against the Property
Prior to the sale, it is recommended that you research the file to see if there are any other liens listed against the property. The Sheriff does not guarantee a clear title.
After the Sale
If you are the successful bidder, it could take up to two weeks to obtain a Sheriff Deed. If the property is still occupied; you must file for a WRIT of ASSISTANCE at the Clerk’s office. The Sheriff will service the writ and then remove the occupants if necessary. This will be done at the new owner’s expense.