The Records Division is responsible for running local record checks, accident reports, police reports, processing the local portion of Indiana gun permits, and requests for public records for visitors of the La Porte County Sheriff's Office.
Criminal History Check
You can go to the front desk of the La Porte County Sheriff’s Office Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 3:30 PM to obtain your records. The La Porte County Sheriff’s Office checks County criminal history only. If you are out of the La Porte County area, contact the records administrator at 219.326.7700, ext. 2282 or email for more information on how to obtain a background check. For public court records check online at mycase.in.gov. If you need a state-wide criminal history check, you can access more information at Indiana State Police - Limited Criminal History Search.
Third-Party Pre-Employment Check
Most large companies conduct criminal history checks via public records. If you are waiting for an approval for employment, check with your Human Resources Department. Chances are they are using a third-party company for their pre-employment screening. If your HR department wants to contact our office, please have them call our Records Division at 219.326.7700, ext. 2282. Or they may email their request with a signed release from the applicant. You may obtain your own personal criminal history by going to the Sheriff’s Office with a valid picture ID and we will provide you with a request form to fill out. All efforts will be made to provide a criminal history while you wait.
We do provide pre-employment criminal history checks to local companies with a signed authorization form. We also provide criminal history checks for non-profit local agencies and organizations with a signed authorization form. The preferred method for those requests is email.
Online Access to Incident Reports and Arrest Reports
The La Porte County Sheriff’s incident reports, case reports, and arrest reports are not available online. The requestor will need to fill out an Access to Public Records Act Form to obtain a report for a third party or yourself. If you have retained an attorney they should submit the appropriate legal paperwork to our records department. Only closed reports will be released. In some cases, reports will not be released without a subpoena. If the report is about an active investigation, the Sheriff’s Office will not release the case report. If you are the victim or arrestee, you are entitled to a copy of the closed report. Call the Records Division for more details or go to the Sheriff’s Office Front Desk, with a valid picture ID to request a record. The Records Division is open Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4 PM. Not all records requests are available for immediate release and may not be able to be released while you wait. A completed Access to Public Record Act Form (below) may be required and supplied to you. The La Porte County Sheriff’s Office will acknowledge all requests within 24 hours, either in person, online, or by telephone. We will advise an approximate time frame for fulfillment of the request but cannot promise a certain date/time based on the information provided to us, age of the records, and the current workload of the office. All efforts will be to provide the requested records in a timely manner and delivered in the most expedient way available. If there are any questions, please call the Records Division at 219.326.7700, ext. 2282.
Mailing Information:
Records Division
La Porte County Sheriff’s Office
809 State Street, Suite 201A
La Porte, IN 46350
Phone: 219.326.7700, ext. 2282
Fax: 219.324.6205